Wireman PW2 (Full Time) 单相电工执照课程PW2 (全日班)
Duration: 2 Years + 6 Months OJT
修习期:2 年 + 6个月在职培训
Entry Requirement 入学资格
- Malaysian Citizen 马来西亚公民
- Age not less than 18 years old 年满18岁或以上
- Minimum education – completed form 5 必须完成中五学业
- Can speak and write in Bahasa Kebangsaan 需懂得讲和写马来文
Theory & Practical
Assist Loan Application *
* Terms and Conditions Apply 须符合条件*
Course Overview
- This course will be focus on how to install single phase wiring system, three phase wiring system, single phase and three phase wiring maintenance and troubleshooting and also doing testing commissioning with the endorsement.
- Student will be able to perform an electrical schematic and single line drawing, wiring system troubleshooting and also performs testing commissioning with endorsement for the wiring system.
- Records of proof skills (portfolio) will be develop for each level achieve.
- Company from industry are currently looking for more skills technician to work in the industry especially graduates from Wireman PW2 course.
- This Wireman PW2 competence certification course is recognized and accredited by Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST)
- All instructors for this Wireman PW2 are with competency certification.
- Personal values, Social Skills, Core Abilities and Level of Discipline will be also enhance during the course.
- Student will be given opportunity to work in industry with the On Job Training for 6 months at the electrical contractor company that registered with Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST)
- Job placement for those graduates that completed their 2 years of training. *T & C Apply
- 这课程主要专注于如何安装单相电路接线系统,三相电路接线系统,单相和三相电路接线维修和故障排除并进行认可测试。
- 确保学生可以绘制电气结构图和单线图,电路接线系统故障排除, 并对电路接线系统进行认可测试。
- 记录每个阶段所学到的技能.
- 来自工业领域的公司目前正在寻找更多拥有单相电工执照的毕业生,以成为相关领域的技术人员。
- 这电工执照课程获得马来西亚能源委员会(ST)的认可和认证.
- 单相电工执照课程的导师都具有能力的认证.
- 在学习期间将会提升学员的价值观,社交能力,就业技能和纪律的水平。
- 学生将有机会在能源委员会(ST)注册的电气承包商公司实习6个月。
- 为完成培训的毕业生安排就业机会 * (需符合条件)
Course Objective 课程目标:
The Wireman PW2 full time Course should be able to perform the following competencies where deemed competent; 单相电工执照课程全日制班的学生能够执行以下的职能;
- Electrical Act, Regulations 电工法令与条列
- Basic Electrical Principle 基本电气的原理
- Cable 电缆
- Single Phase Wiring 单相电路接线
- Test Equipment 测试设备
- Testing & Commissioning Procedure 测试和批准程序
- Electric Measuring 电工测量
- Distribution Board 分配电板
- Circuit Protection 电路保护
- Earthing System 接地系统
- Lightning Protection 闪电保护
- Electrical Appliances 电器
- Electrical Installation & Design 电路安装设计
course structure 课程结构
- Electrical Act, Regulations
- Basic electrical Principle
- Cable
- Single Phase Wiring
- Test Equipment
- Testing & Commissioning Procedure
- Electric Measuring
- Distribution Board
- Circuit Protection
- Earthing System
- Lightning Protection
- Electrical Appliances
- Electrical Installation & Design
- Electrical Supervision 电工主管
- Electrical Competent Technician 合格电工技术人员
- Electrical Maintenance Technician 电工维修技术人员
- Electrical Technician 电工技术人员
- Electrical Technical Handyman 电工技术工人