Diploma In Bakery & Pastry (For Alumni & Non Alumni)
烘培文凭 (拉曼技职学院校友&非拉曼技职学院校友)


Duration: 12 Months
修习期:12 个月


Entry Requirement: 15 Years & Above


Highfield Qualifications Approved Centre (Top 5 UK Awarding Organization)


Theory & Practical


Assist Loan Application *
* Terms and Conditions Apply 须符合条件*


Course Overview

VTAR Institute also provides training in Bakery course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The training includes producing bakery and pastry product in accordance with the standard recipe, production requirement, standing order and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Halal requirements.

This course will expose participants to the basic baking process which includes safety, food handling, preparing ingredients, producing fillings, baking bread, pastries, cookies and cakes as well as practising a cleaning process after work. This course will be emphasized more on practical/hands-on skills to all the participants. At the end of the course, the participants will be able the handle the task of a baker.

The demand for qualified and experienced Bakery Production personnel is important as of now and in the near future as the Hospitality and Tourism industry is developing rapidly. As one of the training providers for Bakery Course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, VTAR is committed to help and prepare individuals to be productive youths contributing to social and economic development. With high and rapid demand for skilled personnel in this field, VTAR has to design the course to provide an intensive training in order to produce competence Bakery production personnel at the entry level and intermediate level that able to perform a significant range of varied work activities, performed in a variety of contexts, with some of the activities are non-routine and required individual responsibility and autonomy.


拉曼技职学院是其中一所有提供烘焙课程培训的学院,其培训内容包括了按照标准的食谱制作面包和蛋糕,生产要求, 常规订单,及危害分析和关键控制点(HACCP),良好生产规范(GMP)和基本清真要求。这课程将向学生介绍基本的烘焙过程包括了卫生与安全, 食品处理, 配料准备,馅料生产,烘烤面包, 糕点,饼干及蛋糕和烘烤后的清洗过程。这课程强调学生的实践技能。在课程结束后,学生将能胜任面包师的任务。随着酒店和旅游业的快速发展,市场对合格且有经验的面包师傅的需求将增加。作为马来西亚提供烘焙课程培训的机构之一,拉曼技职学院将致力帮助与培训更多有生产力的年轻人来促进社会和经济发展。 随着该领域对技术人员的高需求,拉曼技职学院将培训更多初级和中级水平的面包生产人员以能够在各种环境中执行各种类的相关工作,包括非常规和需要个人自主与责任性的工作。


Course Objective

This course will expose participants to the basic baking process which includes safety and hygiene, food handling, preparing ingredients, producing fillings, baking bread, pastries, cookies and cakes as well as practicing a cleaning process after work. This course will be emphasizes more on practical/hands-on skills to all the participants.


本课程将教导与培训学员基本的烘焙过程,这包括安全和卫生,食品处理,配料准备,馅料制作,面包烘烤,糕点,饼干和蛋糕制作与装饰,以及烘培后的清洁过程。 本课程强调所有学员的实践技能。